14 Sep Bryant’s Neighborhood Marketplace Grand Opening February 15th
Bryant’s Neighborhood Marketplace Opens New Store in Leon County
Bryant’s Neighborhood Marketplace, a revitalization project situated in Bond Community in Leon County, Florida announces the opening of its new store project. The store is dedicated as a combined zone area surrounded by vacant land, residential properties, and other businesses. Their goal is to instill pride in the community. Serving as a gateway for students, exhibitors and business vendors, Bryant’s Neighborhood Marketplace will celebrate an official grand opening November 2 & 3, 2018.
Ideal for people in the business ecosystem, exhibitors and new customers alike, Bryant’s Neighborhood Marketplace establishes a completely new experience in the world of selling and buying opportunities. Bryant’s Neighborhood Marketplace will create new jobs and improve the economic growth of the Blighted Bond Community.
“Good lives matter; one can never eradicate their past, he or she must identify with it and build upon it.” Carter Wiggins
Carter Wiggins, fourth-generation entrepreneur is building the Convenience Store situated one block over from Florida A & M University. Carter’s objective is to establish an economic paradigm for the residents, support social change, and help in the transformation of lives of residents of the community. The original store was owned by his aunt and uncle Matthew &Rebecca Bryant who were born in post slavery days. They were indeed trailblazers during the challenging time of segregation. They were pioneer business owners of original Bryant’s Marketplace and Bryant’s Bail Bondman. Hence the name Let’s Do it Again.
Carter is aware that 33% of the community’s population is below the poverty level. He truly believes that the neighborhood has been under presented economically for far too long. That’s why today, he is dedicated to working along with other stakeholders to improve the surrounding community. To date, Mr. Wiggins provides affordable housing for college students who attend Florida A & M University located at 1806 Perry Street and 517 Okaloosa Street. The project has the added value of creating employment and business opportunities for community residents, including employment for students at adjacent Florida A & M University with an enrollment of more than 11,000 students.
Bryant’s Neighborhood Marketplace is more than just a convenience store. They want to create a community where FAMU, Florida State and other university students can come together as one. The store will provide a place where students can study and shop for their everyday necessities. Bryant’s Neighborhood Marketplace will provide fresh coffee every day as well as toiletries, groceries, and so much more for students, law enforcement and the surrounding community.
Carter is optimistic as he shares his vision and mission of creating a viable partnership with Universities, Community Colleges, civic leaders, local businesses, and residents, to collaborate in achieving the common goal of strengthening the community and increasing the overall quality of life in Tallahassee where statistics show that African Americans make up almost 50% of the population.
About Bryant’s Neighborhood Marketplace
A unique lifestyle destination, Bryant’s Neighborhood Marketplace will offer customers the chance to explore the beauty of the community with a retail price. Keeping in line with Carter’s commitment to boost the employment and deepen community knowledge, Bryant’s Neighborhood Marketplace will also be a perfect setting for workshops.
For more information about Bryant’s Neighborhood Marketplace, please visit their website at: http://shopbryants.com
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